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Vision Boarding

I have used Vision Boarding successfully in my own life for decades to reach those “hard to reach” goals and help make them more attainable in a powerful yet gentle way. The idea of the Vision Board is to “work smarter not harder” and use the power of our subconscious mind, which is like the greatest super computer, to re-program our existing thoughts, beliefs and values that we may have picked up in early childhood and are no longer serving us.

Vision boarding is a practice that involves creating a visual representation of your goals and dreams to help manifest them into reality. This is done by assembling images, words, and other visual elements on a board that represent what you want to achieve or attract in your life.


  • Here's how it works:


Clarifying Goals: The first step is to clearly define your goals and aspirations. These can be related to various aspects of life such as career, relationships, health, finances, or personal growth.

Gathering Materials: Collect images, quotes, and other visual elements that resonate with your goals. These can come from magazines, printed photos, online sources, or even drawings.

Assembling the Board: Arrange and affix the collected materials onto a board. This can be a physical board, like a poster or cork board, or a digital one using online tools or apps.

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Placement and Visibility: Place the vision board somewhere you can see it regularly. The idea is that by frequently seeing these visual representations, you'll keep your goals top-of-mind.


Engaging with the Board: Regularly engage with your vision board by looking at it, reflecting on the images and words, and visualizing yourself achieving these goals. This can reinforce your intentions and keep you motivated.


  • How It Works:

Focus and Clarity: Creating a vision board helps you clarify what you truly want. The process of selecting images and arranging them forces you to think deeply about your desires and priorities.

Positive Visualization: By regularly seeing and engaging with your vision board, you practice positive visualization. This can strengthen your belief in the possibility of achieving your goals and foster a positive mindset.

Motivation and Inspiration: A vision board serves as a constant reminder of your goals, providing ongoing motivation and inspiration. It can help keep you focused and committed to taking action towards your dreams.

Subconscious Influence: Regular exposure to your goals and desires through a vision board can influence your subconscious mind. This can lead to increased awareness of opportunities and a heightened readiness to take actions that align with your aspirations.

Manifestation: The concept of manifestation suggests that by focusing on positive thoughts and visualizing your goals, you can attract those outcomes into your life. While this idea has its roots in various spiritual and self-help traditions, it also has practical aspects in terms of setting intentions and staying committed to your goals.


  • I hold regular classes live and live streaming and have recordings available for purchase or as part of a Lifestyle Coaching package. Go to “Coaching Videos on Demand”, Check the calendar for upcoming events, signup for the newsletter at “Contact and Rates” tab and schedule a free 30 min consultation to learn more.

Rachel Petkus L.Ac.
Living Divine Design

All Rights Reserved 2023

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